2018 is Year of the Earth Dog! / by Alexandra Chan

My "Bomb Cyclone" Dogs for 2018. From left to right, they come with calligraphy that reads "Abundance," "Justice/Doing the Right Thing," "Every Dad is a Good Day," and "Friendship."

On December 4, 2018, the entire eastern seaboard of the United States was slammed with the kind of storm most of us had never heard of before: they called it a "Bomb Cyclone," which is more or less what you get when you take a hurricane and flash freeze it. Needless to say, we weren't going anywhere that day, nor the next. But we kept power, we had a fire crackling in the fireplace, the kids had new Christmas stuff to keep them occupied, and so, after a busy season of business, branding and family photography, I luxuriated in having some real, honest to goodness time off. At the end of a photography season, I am often drained. Not because I don't love what I do, but because that is what creative work does to you. And periodically, you need space - to sleep, to dream, to read and ponder, to play music, to reconnect with family, and to stare blankly at the ceiling or at an unassuming little corner somewhere. Ultimately, this outward idleness is anything but; you are carving yourself the space to deep dive back into your source, from whence all creativity flows. You're not going there to stir the pot or check the ingredients, you are going there to rest, safe in the knowledge that you have gained from going though this cycle innumerable times before, which is that any sea mammal that spends time in the deep, eventually comes back to the surface to play. I always come back replenished and recharged and bursting with new ideas.

So while the Bomb Cyclone of 2018 had us all hunkered down, I dove deep and ... came back with playful puppies for the Chinese New Year! February 16, 208 to February 4, 2019 is marked in the lunar calendar as the Year of the Earth Dog.  Dog, in Chinese philosophy, is more complicated than a simple "man's best friend" kind of thing. Dog is seen to be more like the Force and the Dark Side and it does indeed seem an apt energy for the coming year. Because I believe the purpose of Chinese brush painting is to point us toward our own highest good, these paintings naturally tap into the best side of the Dog, bringing "Abundance;" "Justice" or "Doing the Right Thing" (one of the 7 tenets of Bushido); and the irrepressible knowledge shared by most dogs that, "Every Day is a Good Day."

In an Earth Dog year, people can expect a good year in many respects, but ultimately, also an exhausting one. Refreshed and regenerated, the Dog will accelerate the initiation of all things. Seeds planted in 2017 will bear fruit in 2018. At the same time, this will bring increased pressure and stress to everyday life. Procrastination and negligence are words you will have to leave at the door. There is “no rest for the weary” in a Dog Year.

Dogs are quite binary by nature, and so too, do the Chinese expect 2018 to be: Light and Dark, Good and Evil, Life-giving and Life-draining. Which pack will you belong to? On the one hand the dog is generally considered to be “man’s best friend” – honest, loyal, and devoted to service; an insightful and efficient thinker; a champion against injustice; a guardian against danger. One may notice a higher tendency toward hedonism this year, with people organizing more parties, being more social, and celebrating/enjoying life – if only to forget darker forces work. The Dog’s loyalty and honesty makes 2018 a lucky year for marriage as well (my engagement photo session clients will be happy to hear!)

On the other hand, the Dog has a dark side, which includes a narrow worldview based on strong delineations of “home” and “pack”; suspicion of outsiders and propensity to attack, either out of anger or misplaced fear; a rigid adherence to hierarchy and leadership; and an instinct to patrol and enforce boundaries and neighborhoods to the detriment of those outside of them. With Dogs, others are either friends or enemies, there is no in-between. On an individual level, this can make a person complex and endearing, and sometimes exasperating. At a societal level, such duality can bring conflict and chaos. It is said that Dog Years are ripe for revolution and rebellion.

This year of 2018 is thought to carry the dual energy of the Dog. This means that while part of society will open itself up more to friendliness, loyalty and service, we can also expect to see an increase in tribalism and quarreling, as situations become intolerable for one side or the other. The dark side of the dog that we can all try to guard against in ourselves includes being quick to anger, being critical or suspicious of others, stubborn and impervious to advice, as well as deeply emotional and thin-skinned.

This Dog Year, let us endeavor to tap in to the best qualities of Dog! A heightened possibility exists for taking advantage of new business opportunities, increasing cash flow, building a good reputation and securing high social status. It is also a year for standing for what is right and protecting what is most dear, with the knowledge that Dog has the altruism, perspicacity and tenacity to do it. Abundance, Justice, Friendship, and Mindful Optimism are on its side.

Born Year of the Dog, or just looking to infuse your space and a new venture with Dog's undeniable good tenacity and can-do-ism?  Shop for Dog and learn more about its auspicious gifts in the Zodiac Shop.