Monk Minis (Collect all 8)

MP2A4740 (1).jpg
MP2A3915 fp.jpg
MP2A4779 (with monks).jpg
Journey of 1,000 Li.jpg
Self Knowledge Brings Happiness.jpg
Beginner's Mind.jpg
One Time One Meeting.jpg
Nourish Cultivate.jpg
Flow - No Thought, No Desire.jpg
Baby Monk Mini.jpg
MP2A4740 (1).jpg
MP2A3915 fp.jpg
MP2A4779 (with monks).jpg
Journey of 1,000 Li.jpg
Self Knowledge Brings Happiness.jpg
Beginner's Mind.jpg
One Time One Meeting.jpg
Nourish Cultivate.jpg
Flow - No Thought, No Desire.jpg
Baby Monk Mini.jpg

Monk Minis (Collect all 8)


If you love the the Little Monks, you might just be over the moon for Monk Minis.  Each monk has his own pearl of wisdom for living a better life. Choose the one that's right for you, or do like me: COLLECT THEM ALL!

Monk Minis come printed on highest quality Moab velvet paper and are framed in whimsically sized 5 x 5 inch frames, ready to hang - singly or in in groups. You can choose from any of the following:

Monk with Lobster - As you travel through life, offer good wishes to each being you meet. In 2016, an international collection of Buddhist monks on Prince Edward Island bought 600lbs of lobster and took them out to sea, as an exercise in cultivating compassion, even for the least among us. The calligraphy is the Chinese character for compassion and should remind you to be kind, whenever possible. And as the Dalai Lama says, “It is always possible.”"Compassion";

Journey of 1,000 Li  This painting encourages mindfulness and a state of “no resistance.”  In the present moment, when mind and ego and judgment fall away, you too will realize… inner peace is always possible. The calligraphy on this piece reads "Every Day is a Good Day"

Monk with Bonsai, "Nourish/Cultivate" When we feed our souls with the things that delight us, the fire or light within us grows. And the thing about fire is that it chases away the chill of a new dawn (which is really what any change, big or small, exciting or frightening is, isn't it?). Nourish yourself in challenging times. Cultivate your own "flow." In mindfulness lies salvation. 

Poet on a Horse Whether meeting with others, or a deeper part of yourself, the phrase "One Time One Meeting" reminds you to cherish the moment, let everything happen to you. Nothing is permanent, and each moment in time is unique, never to return. This painting should help you tap into your sense of presence and gratitude - for everything and all of it, both good and bad. Life doesn’t happen to us so much as it happens for us. The calligraphy reads "one time, one meeting," which is the essence of the piece.

Monk with Brush, "Self-Knowledge Brings Happiness" The process of discovering the self within us never ends because the self is always evolving, but it is in the pursuit of it that we find the most satisfaction in life.  Be patient and life will share its riches with you. And as Buddhists are wont to say: Start when you are ready, but don’t delay!

Monk with Guitar, “Beginner’s Mind” This is a key principle of Zen Buddhism and its daily practice. The Zen teacher Shunryu Suzuki said it best: “in the beginner's mind there are many possibilities, in the expert's mind there are few." With beginner’s mind, we open ourselves to seeing things with fresh eyes, and tapping in to the curiosity and wonder that brought us here in the first place – just the way a child or a beginner would. The practice of beginner’s mind transforms any activity and gives us better experiences; better relationships; a greater sense of curiosity, peace and gratitude; and less anxiety. The nice thing about beginner’s mind is that you don’t have to be an expert to start doing it right now. What are you waiting for?

Monk with Violin, “No Thought No Desire/Flow” Inspired by the monks from Tiantai Temple in Hubei Province, China, who have begun to bring the principles of Zen Buddhism to the masses through their public symphony orchestra performances. Learning an instrument from scratch and gaining mastery over it invites an “unfettered mind,” one in which all worries, attachments to outcome, fears, and mundane thoughts fall away, making room for the natural, intuitive mind to respond in real time, instinctively and unhampered, as the situation requires. What we’re really talking about here is “flow.” Martial artists, musicians, artists, and athletes are familiar with the concept of “no mind” and its spiritually cleansing effects. But flow can be brought to any task and is a key living one’s best life.

Baby Monk, “Learn. Heal. Teach.” This piece is ultimately about the healing power of a growth mindset. It’s about finding purpose and direction out of pain or disappointment. And when you have healed (not “gotten over,” not “moved on,” but simply learned to fold your pain into a new way of being, then you are in a position to lead or help others from a place of power and wisdom. And that is the final alchemy we all are striving for isn’t it? Pain, alchemized into beauty in the human heart - if it is willing. I always try to be willing, and you? Make this baby monk your focal point in difficult times and feel the way he coaxes you out of yourself towards growth, reminding you of your journey and your purpose: which, for everyone, is to love ourselves and help each other. And it’s neither more nor less complicated than that.

Your Monk:
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