On the Chinese Zodiac / by Alexandra Chan


Dating to ca. 4000 B.C., the Chinese zodiac is based on the idea that all humans and animals (and their respective temperaments) have a role to play in society.  The zodiac is represented by 12 symbolic animals — rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog and pig, whose essential characteristics are used in charting an individual's personality or determining what blessings and challenges a new year will bring. Zodiac artwork is perfect for hanging in your home or office or as a stand-out gift. Read the story of the zodiac, find your animal, and then come peruse my Zodiac Shop for your own little piece of Chinese culture and history!

The story of the Chinese zodiac comes in a variety of forms, but all more or less follow the story below.

The Race to the Finish

According to myths, many thousands of years ago, the Jade Emperor, in an effort to create a calendar for the people, invited all of the animals of the realm to a race. To win, the animals would have to cross a rapidly flowing river to reach the far shore. Only twelve - the first twelve - would be counted, and the order in which they finished the race would determine their place in the calendar.

Some animals were more suited to the race than others. The ox, for example, was a good swimmer, and a goal-oriented worker, while the cat and the rat were not. The pig would rather wallow in the mud and eat than run and swim. But each animal also brought its peculiar strengths to the race as well. Both the rat and the snake were smart enough to hitch a ride - the rat rode on the head of the ox, and won the race as a result - by a whisker! The snake wrapped itself secretly around the hoof of the horse, which did not discover its passenger until it got to the far shore and the snake slithered away underfoot. So startled was the horse that it reared backwards, ceding its place to the snake, who came in sixth, while the horse landed in seventh place.

The cat, in its self-assurance, took for granted that it would be one of the twelve winners, and had originally chased the rat onto the back of the ox, ready to hitch a ride across the river itself. But the rat chased the cat back into the water, where it floundered about and was quickly left behind, and lost the race, coming in 13th. This is why cat has never stopped chasing rat, and why he hates the water to this day.  Some people consider cat to be an honorary 13th member of the zodiac, however.

The Jade Emperor constructed the sequence of the lunar calendar following the outcome of the race, where the rat is the first animal and the pig is the last. After the pig, the sequence starts over again.

  • Rat: 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008

  • Ox: 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009

  • Tiger: 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010

  • Rabbit: 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011

  • Dragon: 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000

  • Snake: 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001

  • Horse: 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002

  • Ram: 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003

  • Monkey: 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004

  • Rooster: 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005

  • Dog: 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006

  • Pig/Boar: 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007

What are Your Auspicious Gifts?

Below are brief descriptions of the character traits thought to apply to people born in each year of the zodiac. Find your year in the list above, and then read up on your animal below. Each animal has strengths and shortcomings.  How accurate are they to you?


People born in Year of the Rat are quick-witted, resourceful and versatile, with strong intuitive powers and lightning-quick reflexes.  With so many skills, they can easily adapt themselves to new environments.

Rats have rich and vivid imaginations but don't get lost in a dreamy state; they remain sharply observant, and as a result, Rats can take advantage of a variety of opportunities, financial, social, or otherwise. Rats are brimming with curiosity, never stop learning, and will try their hands at anything, often carrying it off with aplomb.

Rats are kind by nature, but can also be abrasive when irritated or stressed. Sometimes lacking in courage, as well as good leadership skills, Rats are more likely to work for others than to be his/her own boss. The down side of the Rat's pickiness and opportunism is that they often lose sight of the bigger picture of things and can take a narrow view, when a broad one would serve them better.  

Don't be fooled; Rats make charming pictures.


People born in the Year of the Ox are known for diligence, dependability, strength and determination. Uninfluenced by others and with a clear vision of where they want to go and what their capabilities are, oxen are often leaders. They are ambitious but rarely act without a definitive plan in place, while their strength, stamina and determination help the Ox to enjoy great success in life. The Ox embodies the idea of "keep your eyes on the prize and you will get there." Honest and committed to family, work, and education, Oxen make not only great leaders, but great friends and parents.

The most disadvantageous trait in Oxen is poor communication skills. Stubborn and stuck in their ways, while simultaneously confident of their own vision, they can be rigid and may not always see the use in the free exchange of ideas.

Born year of the Ox? Find your zodiac animal here.


People born in the year of the Tiger are brave, competitive, self-assured, and unpredictable. Charismatic and charming, Tigers are well-liked by others, but they can also be impetuous, irritable, and overindulged.

Tigers have indomitable spirits - stubborn and tough, beholden to none, but they are not motivated by money or power. They pursue only things that have personal meaning to them. They love to work and will rise to any challenge if they see it as being in line with their own highest good, but Tigers rarely go in with a plan. Supreme self-confidence ensures that they can handle anything on the fly.  Tigers are authoritative beings and express themselves boldly, never going back on anything they have said or promised. But they sometimes do things in a high-handed manner that can make others bristle.

Born year of the Tiger? Find your zodiac animal here. Or go bold, HERE, like a Tiger would!


People born in the Year of the Rabbit have an abundance of admirable qualities! Gentle, quiet, and alert; quick, skillful, kind, and patient; elegant and responsible. What's not to like? However, rabbits can tend to the superficial, can be obstinate, and subject to bouts of melancholy.

Men who who belong to the rabbit zodiac sign are almost universally gentlemanly in their behavior - a ready and sincere smile puts people at ease and instills trust in others. Women are generally seen to be pretty, demure, and with purity of heart. Rabbits of both sexes know how to persevere and can face tough challenges without losing faith. As solution-seekers with the stamina to see a problem through to its end, rabbits usually achieve high levels of success.

Rabbits are loyal to friends, partners and family but may not easily disclose their true minds to others. They may also be dreamy and escapist in nature, and too cautious or conservative, leading to missed opportunities.

Born year of the Rabbit? Find your zodiac animal here.


Only the Dragon has no counterpart in reality in the Chinese Zodiac. Perhaps for this reason, Dragon is the most auspicious and powerful sign in the zodiac. Dragons, as one might imagine, are frequently known for their quick tempers and sharp tongues. On the other hand, their natural powers of dominance and drive to excel and progress also means that they have much influence.

While the dragon itself does not consider itself to be aggressive or arrogant, it is sometimes regarded as such by others.  That said, dragons are courageous, tenacious and possess an inimitably keen intellect. They bask in the art of a challenge and are natural born risk-takers, while their enthusiasm and confidence ensure success in almost any undertaking.

Born year of the Dragon? Find your zodiac animal here


In Chinese culture, the Snake is very different from Western depictions of this animal. Rather than being sly and treacherous (as in the West), the Chinese Snake is considered to be enigmatic and to have highly intuitive powers.

Snakes are private and reserved, but they are highly self-motivated and do not like to fail or do anything but excel at a new undertaking, and they will ignore the opinions of others and act according to their own judgment and high standards.

The Chinese Snake symbolizes intelligence, deep thought, and wisdom, with the ability to communicate much while saying as little as possible.

Snakes can be materialistic and love to keep up with the latest trends, although shopping to get those trends is the last thing they want to do. This is because Snakes are loners and shun boisterous crowds and chaos. They can become easily stressed or mentally exhausted and require time and space alone to recharge.

Born year of the Snake? Find your zodiac animal here.


People born in a year of the Horse are the extroverts of the zodiac. Horses LOVE crowds, they love to travel in groups, and really take the old adage "the more the merrier" to heart.  Animated, active, and energetic, Horse people are the life of the party, and are always on the go, to cultural and sporting events, concerts, etc.

Horses, with their quick minds and sharp wit, also have the Gift of the Gab, and revel in being the center of attention, delighting everyone around them with their abundant natural gifts.  This love of center-stage can make the Horse a little self-centered at times, but that does not mean that s/he does not make a good friend or can't be brought to care about other people's problems.

Despite all their talent, gaiety, and popularity in many overlapping circles, Horses often lack real self-confidence, which may feed back into the urge to collect accolades from audiences.

Born year of the Horse? Find your zodiac animal here. Or do something bold, HERE.


People born in a year of the Ram are generally the proverbial "Good Egg." They are often regarded as down-to-earth, kind-hearted, friendly, and with a strong sense of social justice. 

Because they are often shy, their true inner toughness and perseverance, as well as quick learning curve for acquiring new skills, and strong creative powers may be overlooked or underestimated. Rams know their own minds, however, regardless of whether they broadcast them.

Rams are gregarious and prefer to be in company, but they don't want center-stage.  Quiet and contemplative, they are most comfortable on the periphery, keeping themselves occupied with their own thoughts.

Rams enjoy the finer things in life and believe in presenting themselves well. They are, therefore, often very stylish, although this sense of style does not come with any snobbery to speak of. They do it only for themselves and because it makes them happy.

Born year of the Ram? Find your zodiac animal here.


2016 is Year of the Monkey!! People born in a year of the Monkey are movers and shakers, always looking for the next new trick, opportunity, or experience.  Witty, intelligent and inquisitive, Monkeys are often magnetic in their ability to attract admirers.  Because they are clever, irreverent, and committed to play, however, they can get into trouble. Monkeys love to play practical jokes, and although they are rarely malicious in their intent, they can end up hurting other people's feelings in the process. 

Monkeys may have a relatively short attention span, and are always getting involved in a great many hobbies, projects, and endeavors, and they need their friends and partners to keep up, or they will quickly become bored and start to suffer from ennui.  This is why many Monkeys prefer Big City life over that of the countryside. Many people love the eccentric and charming Monkey, while others are wary of its restlessness and relentless chase after the next gold ring.

Born year of the Monkey? Find your zodiac animal here, or make a statement for this auspicious year with this


People born in a year of the Rooster are supremely self-confident and usually have the impressive plumage to show it.  Not usually given to arrogance, however, Roosters are quite popular in a variety of overlapping circles.  People admire their hardworking natures; their drive and resourcefulness; their courageousness and talent.

Roosters are another animal from the zodiac that has the Gift of the Gab. Talkative, outspoken, open, frank (some might say blunt), you will always find a Rooster at the center of a crowd of eager listeners, commanding their unwavering attention with their knowledge, wit and charm. This is because Roosters are at their happiest when they have an audience. They love parties and take every opportunity to exhibit their charm, and are always impeccable in hair and dress. This may make it sound like Roosters don't make good friends, but nothing could be further from the truth. Roosters are deeply loyal and will do anything for people they love.

Roosters not only enjoy talking - and are genuinely interesting about it - but indeed, they also expect to be listened to, and can get peevish if they feel that their considerable talents are not being appreciated. Although rarely truly arrogant, Roosters can tend toward vanity and braggadocio, and they love to talk about their own accomplishments.

Born year of the Rooster? Find your zodiac animal here.


"Dogs are man's best friend," as the saying goes, and this is true of people born under the sign of the Dog in the Chinese zodiac as well.  They are loyal, honest, kind and sincere, and will stop at nothing to serve the person or people most important to them. 

That said, Dogs don't always have the best communication skills, and sometimes struggle to give voice to their thoughts, opinions and concerns about a topic. The result is a surface-level appearance of obstreperousness.  But Dogs are born with a good nature, and like to follow the rules. They rarely fall into trickery or treachery, and prefer to live a quiet, simply, honest life, with good friends and family, away from ugliness or evil.  Because they are so good by nature themselves, cunning in others can be shocking and hurtful to Dogs, who are ready helpers who never put themselves ahead of others.

When their foundations are shaken, Dogs fall into despair and tend to see the world in black and white. It is when their ideals have not been met that they become harsh and snappish with others, and people may find it hard to lift them out of their pessimistic gloom.

Born year of the Dog? You have so many options! Find your zodiac animal here.


People born in Year of the Pig are diligent, compassionate, and generous, and make excellent parents and family members. Their sense of responsibility is highly developed and you can always trust a Pig to complete anything once begun, and to do it properly and with care- no cutting corners. They have the calm temperaments and intense concentration skills to handle any challenge.

Though Pigs rarely admit needing help, and will suffer long before seeking outside assistance, they themselves are quick to offer a helping hand to others. Pigs love to extend their natural affinity for family to the outside world, offering hospitality and a warm home at every opportunity - dinner parties, soirees, backyard BBQs, you name it. Pigs' trusting nature clouds their ability to sense trickery, so they are easily taken advantage of.

Born year of the Pig? Find your traditional zodiac animal here, or choose the more whimsical wild boar.